Friday, August 29, 2008

No-name brand shoes

The other day I bought my first pair of
No-name brand shoes
That is something I thought I would neva do
They all bright white and brand new
I ain't gonna lie,
I'm happy I got a new pair of shoes
I wore them while I walked with my kids at the park
My dogs sang instead of barked
(I guess they were happy I got rid of those $100 Nike's
I held dear to my heart)
I thought I would be embarrassed
to wear a pair of No-named brand shoes
But instead I was appreciative
to have a pair of shoes that were new
Since I've had kids, new things come
far, few in between
broke parents know what I mean
So every time I put on my No-named brand shoes
I'm not embarrassed I'm appreciative
Because now my feet feel brand new.

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